Getting Started
Setup modules
Poco Renderer
Creating Fonts
Moddable One
Moddable Two
Moddable Three
Moddable Four
Moddable Six
nRF52 Low Power Notes
Raspberry Pi Pico
M5Core Ink
SiLabs Gecko
Moddable Zero
Moddable Display Developer Guide
Adafruit 1.8" ST7735
Adafruit OLED Display
BuyDisplay 2.8" CTP - ESP8266
Crystalfontz ePaper
Generic 1.44"
Generic 2.4" & 2.8" (Resistive Touch) - ESP32
Generic 2.4" & 2.8" (Resistive Touch) - ESP8266
Generic 2.4" & 2.8" (Resistive Touch) - Pico
Sharp Memory
Sharp Memory Screen 1.3"
SparkFun TeensyView
Switch Science Reflective LCD
DESTM32S display
DotStar display
ILI9341 display
LPM013M126A display
LS013B4DN04 display
MCP230XX GPIO expander
SSD1306 display
SSD1351 display
ST7735 display
TLS (SecureSocket)
Web Things
Audio Output
Expanding Keyboard
Die Cut
Using After Effects Motion Data
Defines in Manifests
JavaScript language considerations on embedded devices using the XS engine
Mods – User Installed Extensions
ROM Colors
Using XS Preload to Optimize Applications
XS Conformance
XS Marshalling
XS Platforms
XS in C
XS linker warnings
XS Compartment
XS Profiler
XS Scopes

Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Pico

Copyright 2021-2024 Moddable Tech, Inc.
Revised: December 18, 2024

This document describes how to start building Moddable applications for the Raspberry Pi Pico. It provides information on how to configure host build environments, how to build and deploy apps, and includes links to external development resources.

Note: The Pico port is solid and mostly complete. Possible future work includes:

  • Mods
  • JavaScript Atomics
  • Web Workers making use of the second core
  • PIO integration
  • Building on Windows

Table of Contents

About Raspberry Pi Pico, Pico W and Pico 2

Please see the Raspberry Pi Pico documentation for details.


Before you can build applications, you need to:

  • Install the Moddable SDK and build its tools
  • Install the required development tools for the Raspberry Pi Pico platform

The instructions below will have you verify your setup by running the helloworld example on your device using mcconfig, a command line tool that builds and runs Moddable applications.

See the Tools documentation for more information about mcconfig

When building with mcconfig, you specify your device target by providing the platform identifier of your development board to the -p argument. For example, use the following command to build for the Pico Display:

mcconfig -d -m -p pico/pico_display

A list of available Pico subplatforms and their platform identifiers is provided in the Platforms section below.



The Raspberry Pi Pico has the following features:

  • RP2040 microcontroller running up to 133 MHz
  • Dual-core ARM Cortex M0+
  • 264 KB RAM
  • 2 MB flash

The Moddable SDK supports devices built with the Pico. The following table lists each device, its platform identifier, a list of key features specific to the device, and links to additional resources.

Name Platform identifier Key features Links

Rasberry Pi
pico LED, 26 external pins
  • Raspberry Pi Pico documentation

  • Rasberry Pi
    Pico W
    pico/pico_w Wi-Fi, LED, 26 external pins
  • Raspberry Pi Pico documentation

  • Pimoroni
    Pico Display
    1.4" IPS display
    135 x 240
    16-bit color
    4 buttons
  • Pimoroni Pico Display

  • Pimoroni
    Pico Display 2
    2.0" IPS display
    320 x 240
    16-bit color
    4 buttons
  • Pimoroni Pico Display 2

  • Waveshare
    Pico LCD 1.3
    pico/pico_lcd_1.3 1.3" IPS display
    240 x 240
    16-bit color
    4 buttons
    1 joystick
  • Waveshare Pico LCD 1.3

  • Adafruit
    ItsyBitsy RP2040
    pico/itsybitsy Neopixel, 1 button
  • Adafruit product page

    T-Display RP240
    pico/lilygo_t_display 1.14" ST7789, 2 buttons, red LED
  • LilyGO T-Display GitHub repository

  • Pimoroni
    pico/picosystem 1.54" IPS LCD, 240 x 240, D-pad & 4 buttons, RGB LED
  • Pimoroni product page

  • Sparkfun
    Pro Micro RP2040
    pico/pro_micro Qwiic/STEMMA connector, Neopixel
  • Sparkfun product page

  • Adafruit
    QT Py
    pico/qtpy STEMMA/Qwiic connector, Neopixel, 1 button
  • Adafruit product page

  • Adafruit
    Trinkey QT2040
    pico/qt_trinkey STEMMA/Qwiic connector, Neopixel, 1 button
  • Adafruit product page

  • Pimoroni
    Tiny 2040
    pico/tiny2040 RGB LED, 1 button
  • Pimoroni product page

    1.28inch Round LCD
    1.28" IPS 240×240 Round Display
  • WAVESHARE product page
  • touch LCD version

  • Seeed Studio
    XIAO RP2040
    pico/xiao_rp2040 Neopixel
  • Seeed Studio product page

  • ili9341
    pico/xiao_ili9341 ili9341 QVGA display
    320 x 240
    16-bit color
  • Wiring Guide - Pico

  • ili9341
    pico/ili9341 ili9341 QVGA display
    320 x 240
    16-bit color
  • Generic 2.4" & 2.8" Displays (Resistive Touch) Wiring Guide - Pico

  • ili9341
    pico/ili9341_i2s ili9341 QVGA display
    320 x 240
    16-bit color
    potentiometer, buttons
    i2s audio
    Wiring Guide

    pico/pico4ml ST7735 0.96 inch display
    160 x 180
    16-bit color
    HM01B0 Mono Camera
    PDM Mic
    Product page

    Pico 2

    The Raspberry Pi Pico 2 has the following features:

    • RP2350 microcontroller
      • Dual-core ARM Cortex M33 @150 MHz
      • Dual-core Hazard RISC V (not currently supported)
    • 520 KB RAM
    • 4 MB flash
    Name Platform identifier Key features Links

    Rasberry Pi
    Pico 2
    pico LED, 26 external pins
  • Raspberry Pi Pico documentation

  • Sparkfun
    Pro Micro RP2040
    pico/pro_micro Qwiic/STEMMA connector, Neopixel
  • Sparkfun product page

  • Pimoroni
    pico plus 2
    pico/pico_plus_2 Qwiic/STEMMA connector
  • Pimoroni product page
  • SDK and Host Environment Setup

    macOS Setup

    Most of steps these are condensed from the Raspberry Pi Pico C SDK document. Refer to the document for details.

    1. The Moddable SDK Getting Started document describes how to configure the host build environment and install the required SDKs, drivers, and development tools. Follow the instructions in the Host environment setup section for macOS.

    2. Set up the Pico SDK Create a pico directory in your home directory at ~/pico for required third party SDKs and tools.

      cd $HOME
      mkdir pico
    3. Install required components using brew.

      brew install cmake
      brew install --cask gcc-arm-embedded

      Note: If you have previously installed arm-none-eabi-gcc, you may have to do this first

       brew uninstall arm-none-eabi-gcc
       brew autoremove
    4. Set PICO_GCC_ROOT environment variable to point to the bin directory of your arm-none-eabi toolchain. For macOS, it is set to brew --prefix; typically this is /usr/local on x86_64 architecture and /opt/homebrew on arm64.

      export PICO_GCC_ROOT=$(brew --prefix)
    5. Install the pico sdk, extras and examples:

      cd $HOME/pico
      git clone -b 2.0.0
      cd pico-sdk
      git submodule update --init
      cd $HOME/pico
      git clone -b sdk-2.0.0
      cd $HOME/pico
      git clone -b sdk-2.0.0
    6. Set the PICO_SDK_DIR environment variable to point to the Pico SDK directory:

      export PICO_SDK_DIR=$HOME/pico/pico-sdk
    7. Build some pico tools:

      cd $PICO_SDK_DIR
      mkdir build
      cd build
      cmake ..
      cd pioasm
      cmake $PICO_SDK_DIR/tools/pioasm

    Building and Deploying Apps on macOS

    After you've setup your macOS host environment, take the following steps to install an application on your Pico.

    1. Build and deploy the app with mcconfig.

      mcconfig is the command line tool to build and launch Moddable apps on microcontrollers and the simulator. Full documentation of mcconfig is available here.

      Specify the platform -p pico with mcconfig to build for the Pico. Build the helloworld example:

      cd $MODDABLE/examples/helloworld
      mcconfig -d -m -p pico

    The app will be built and installed. xsbug will be launched and connected to the Pico after a few seconds.

    Note: If the device is unresponsive, you may see this message:

     Hold the BOOTSEL button and power-cycle the device.
     Waiting for /Volumes/RPI-RPI2.....

    Put the device into programming mode by holding the BOOTSEL button when powering on the Pico.

    You will know that programming mode is active when a disk named RPI-RP2 appears on your desktop.


    Windows Setup

    Not yet available.

    Building and Deploying Apps on Windows

    Not yet available.

    Linux setup

    Note: This setup was performed on a Ubuntu 20 VM using VirtualBox.

    Most of steps these are condensed from the Raspberry Pi Pico C SDK document. Refer to the document for details.

    1. The Moddable SDK Getting Started document describes how to configure the host build environment and install the required SDKs, drivers, and development tools. Follow the instructions in the Host environment setup section for Linux.

    2. Set up the Pico SDK

      Create a pico directory in your home directory at ~/pico for required third party SDKs and tools.

      cd $HOME
      mkdir pico
    3. Install required components using apt.

      sudo apt update
      sudo apt install cmake gcc-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-arm-none-eabi build-essential
    4. Set PICO_GCC_ROOT environment variable to point to the bin directory of your arm-none-eabi toolchain. For Ubuntu 20, it is set to /usr.

      export PICO_GCC_ROOT=/usr
    5. Install the pico sdk, extras and examples:

      cd $HOME/pico
      git clone -b 2.0.0
      cd pico-sdk
      git submodule update --init
      cd $HOME/pico
      git clone -b sdk-2.0.0
      cd $HOME/pico
      git clone -b sdk-2.0.0
    6. Set the PICO_SDK_DIR environment variable to point to the Pico SDK directory:

      export PICO_SDK_DIR=$HOME/pico/pico-sdk
    7. Build some pico tools:

      cd $PICO_SDK_DIR
      mkdir build
      cd build
      cmake ..
      cd pioasm
      cmake $PICO_SDK_DIR/tools/pioasm

    Building and Deploying Apps on Linux

    After you've setup your Linux host environment, take the following steps to install an application on your Pico.

    1. Put the device into programming mode by holding the BOOTSEL button when powering on the Pico.

      Make sure you're using a data-sync capable cable, not one that is power-only.

      Note: a USB hub with power switch is very helpful here.

      You will know that programming mode is active when a disk named RPI-RP2 appears on your desktop.

      Note: For best results with a virtual machine, capture the Pico device in both the Boot mode state and running state. The image below shows the configuration in VirtualBox:

    2. Build and deploy the app with mcconfig.

      mcconfig is the command line tool to build and launch Moddable apps on microcontrollers and the simulator. Full documentation of mcconfig is available here.

      Specify the platform -p pico with mcconfig to build for the Pico. Build the helloworld example:

      cd $MODDABLE/examples/helloworld
      mcconfig -d -m -p pico

    The app will be built and installed. xsbug will be launched and connected to the Pico after a few seconds.

    Debugging Native Code

    Refer to the Getting Started With Pico for instructions on setting up your hardware.

    These instructions have been tested on a macOS host using the two Pico SWD setup described in Appendix A: Using Picoprobe.

    1. Build pico-openocd as described in the document.

    2. In a console, start openocd and set the console aside.

      cd ~/pico/openocd
      ~/pico/openocd/src/openocd -f interface/picoprobe.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg -s tcl
    3. In another console, change the directory to the build results directory and start gdb:

      cd $MODDABLE/build/bin/pico/debug/<app>
      arm-none-eabi-gdb xs_pico.elf
    4. Connect to openocd. load the app. reset the device.

      (gdb) target remote localhost:3333
      (gdb) load
      (gdb) monitor reset init
      (gdb) continue

    Reference Documents

    Getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico

    Hardware Design with RP2040

    Raspberry Pi Pico C SDK